Core Memories Unlocked!
April 2024
Could Your Kitchen Spring Cleaning Make You Rich?
Spring Cleaning is something you might dread every year. We know we’ve accumulated too much over the last year alone, much less in all the years prior. Many of these items could be something you bought and never used, while others were hand-me-downs you’re afraid to throw them away. Others you keep for their nostalgic value alone, but maybe you’re getting to the point where you’ve decided they take up too much room. This year however, you might look at spring cleaning a bit differently, especially in your kitchen. Those antiques you don’t know what to do with might actually make you some big bucks! Without further ado, here are 5 kitchen items that should survive spring cleaning!
Electric Knives

Starting off small, we have the electric knife. I’m convinced every household has one that you or your parents bought in the 70s or 80s, just languishing away in a kitchen drawer. It likely started off white, but has yellowed with age. And the kids these days will only maybe recognize it from old movies and TV shows, not from ever actually seeing it used in a kitchen. I know that is the case in my house! However, this vintage tool could actually make you a little bit of money! Models like this are being sold for around $50* on sites like Ebay. While $50* might not seem like that much, it might be worth it to clean out a cabinet and to make room for your next crazy culinary gadget!
Tupperware Tea Pitchers

Another household item we all had, this Tupperware tea set is a star in many summer memories. The tea, lemonade, Kool-Aid, or Crystal Light that was poured from here somehow always tasted a little better than from anywhere else. And, unlike that electric knife, these actually started off yellow (or orange). Or sorry, maybe not “yellow”, but “almond and gold”. Though it holds immense nostalgic value, saving it from years of spring cleanings, it is actually worth a bit of money now, too! Sets like these are going for around $40* bucks. Again, we’re not retiring on this sale or anything, but considering we bought this for around $13*, at least we doubled the original investment, right?
70s Crock Pots

Another 70s staple, this specific Crock Pot was used to cook something every Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, or for random family gatherings. If you still have this, it’s probably still functioning, which is really a testament to how much better things were made back in the day. Another testament to this fact is that Crock Pots like these are being sold for as much as $250* dollars! But how much is a new Crock Pot going for these days? I am so glad you asked! Your basic models could cost anywhere between $30*-$100*, making this 1970s staple potentially a much better investment. If you never use yours, now might be a good time to let someone take it off your hands for a cool couple hundred bucks.
Bread Boxes

Everyone’s grandma had at least one decorative bread box like this. They probably even had the matching storage canisters too! A handy way to keep bread fresh, keep your everyday ingredients, like sugar, tea, and flour in a convenient location, and keep your counter tops in that iconic 70s style! Today, it seems as if the style and practicality of bread boxes and their matching accoutrement are coming back in style! Sets like this Brabantia Patrice Bread Box are going for upwards of $250*! Even if you don’t have the original matching set, many of these vintage bread boxes can be sold for well over $70*! If these no longer match your vibes, someone will definitely take it off your hands!
Pyrex Bowls

Alright, here’s the big-ticket item you’ve all been waiting for! These vintage Pyrex Amish Butterprint bowls were super popular back in the day. Durable and pretty, they were everything our grandmothers, moms, and even we wanted out of a bowl. Today, they have become an antique collector’s dream find. A single one of these bowls can go for up to $3000*! And full sets can go for even more! In terms of spring cleaning or even using them to serve guests, you might start being extra careful not to let anyone break them! Whatever you do, don’t make the big mistake of donating them away like one of our team members did a few years ago.
Hopefully this helps with what we want to keep, sell, or scour local estate sales for this spring. Many of these items have always been invaluable to us, for the memories they hold. But now, it’s clear that they’re valuable in other ways too! If you know of any other vintage, everyday household items that might be worth something, please let us know before we start our spring cleaning!
*Note: these prices are reflective of April 2024.
- Maddy

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